Convenience Center Trash & Recycling

39 Thomas Road, Alloway

Hours (Closed on Holidays)
Wednesday 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Attendant on Site:  Brian Harris, Deputy Transfer Station Officer / Deputy Municipal Recycling Inspection Enforcement Officer

NJ Wastewater Bulletin “Winter 2023” Edition

Green Your Holiday

Avoid The Spark: Battery ID Guide

Look What’s New!! Alloway Township Launches New Recycle Coach Mobile App! Click 

Convenience Center Recycling Guidelines
Guidelines to Curbside Brush Pick Up
School and Business Recycling Guide
Keep It Covered
Microplastics – You Can Make A Difference

Access to the Convenience Center is permitted only to residents of Alloway Township for disposal of normal household trash and recyclables.

A Convenience Center Permit Sticker must be placed on the upper left corner of the front windshield of all vehicles using the site.

Permit Stickers are available at the Clerk’s Office for $1.00 or click here for a Downloadable Mail-In Permit Form.
*Note: You Will Need To Provide Your Photo Driver’s License And/Or Vehicle Registration Card

Recycling is mandatory in Alloway Township. When you visit the Convenience Center, you will need to separate your recyclable materials from your household trash. Items must be placed in designated bins, which are clearly identified at the site.

New Jersey State Law NJAC 7:26-3.4 requires open vehicles, such as pick-up trucks and trailers, to be covered when transporting solid waste debris on public roadways. The use of secured tarps minimizes windblown litter from vehicles while being transported.  A special “thank you” to everyone for helping Alloway Township roads litter-free by complying with the tarp law.